How to Join Camellias Victoria Inc.


Annual Subscription: Single $30.00   Family $35.00

For all membership enquiries contact our Membership Secretary, Sue Donohue on 0412 030 240 or email  To apply for membership or to renew membership, please fill in the Membership Application form below. Payment should be made by cheque to Camellias Victoria and forwarded to 20 Pippin Avenue, Glen Waverley, 3150 or direct deposit to Camellias Victoria Inc., Bank of Bendigo, BSB 633-000, Account No. 117666883.  When paying by direct deposit don’t forget to include your name and add membership.

Meetings are held in the Burwood Heights Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. Burwood Highway and Blackburn Road, East Burwood.  Nine meetings are held each year from March to November.  During 2024 we will hold 6 evening meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at 8pm and 2 afternoon meetings in July and August commencing at 1.30pm.  November Break Up to be announced later.

Meetings feature talks on all aspects of camellia growing and other gardening topics, blooms competitions (April to October), free library for members, camellia plant sales.   Visitors and new members welcome. If you are unable to attend the meeting, as a member, you can access via zoom.


Camellias Victoria held their Camellia Show on Saturday, 10 August 2024 at 10am till 4pm - 1 day only.

New Venue

Burwood Heights Uniting Church Hall, Corner Burwood Highway and Blackburn Road, East Burwood (Opposite K-Mart)

Adults $2 and Children free - Pay at the door

The Show will feature the Victorian Camellia Championships and a big variety of Camellia plants for sale. Bring in camellias for naming/identification to our Camellia advice/identification desk.  


Our 9 Newsletters are emailed or posted to members one week before our meetings from March to November. 

We have a handbook "Successful Camellia Growing" 4th Edition, written specifically for Victorian conditions. Price is $15.00, plus $5.00 for packaging and post. If you would like to order a copy, please contact Cathy Coath at Payment can be made by direct deposit to Camellias Victoria Inc., Bank of Bendigo, BSB 633-000, Account No. 117666883. When paying by direct deposit don’t forget to include your name and add Successful Camellia Growing handbook.