Publications & Merchandise
"Successful Camellia Growing" Handbook
We are proud to announce the release of the fully revised Fourth Edition of “Successful Camellia Growing” with updated text and new photographs. Written by our members for local conditions, it covers all aspects of camellia growing. This publication is available at $15.00, plus $5.00 for postage and packaging anywhere in Australia.
To place an order: Please email Cathy Coath, Payment can be made via direct debit to Camellias Victoria, BSB 633 000, Acc. No. 117666883, please include Name and Book or by cheque to Camellias Victoria, Unit 1/18 Morshead Avenue, Mount Waverley, 3149.
Container Culture
Camellias and the Environment
Propagation - Seeds, Cuttings & Grafting
Camellia Pests and Diseases
Hybridising Camellias
Exhibiting Camellias
Camellia Species
A Look to the Future
From the Past to the Future
Types of Camellia Plants
Camellias and Colour
Types of Flowers
Camellias in the Landscape
Fragrant Camellias
Suggested Varieties
Selecting a Camellia for Your Garden
Camellia Care
Camellia Calendar